Books I am reading
I read somewhere that Barry Hannah was a writers writer. Not very well known outside literary circles and certainly not a best selling author.
I am not generally into love stories but I do like stories that explore the relationships between two people. I both loved and hated this book. Loved it for t
This is a very long book at well over 1,100 pages. That said I did enjoy it but I suspect that it was due to my age more than anything else
This book was shortlisted for the 2017 Man Booker Prize and I can see why. It is a
I generally do not like “self-help” books but I did like this book by Robert Fritz
This apparently happened where the USA government commissioned a secret think-tank to work out what would would happen to the world if a permanent state of peace erupted
could not really follow the plot of this book. Had something to do with the First Language, from which all other languages derived
I thought it was a bit weird that I started reading this book just as the Corona Virus started to scare the world
I have studied and try to practice (as much as possible) the philosophy of Stoicism and have been an adherent for the past twenty years.